Pauline Malkoun
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Pauline Malkoun
Aspiring Writer/Author Entrepreneur
About Me
I am a former secondary school teacher with a passion for writing engaging stories and non-fiction for children to capture their attention in order to instil a love of reading. By doing this at a young age, they gain the benefit of literacy, one of the most important factors in social mobility and success as an adult.
This website is mainly a place for me to document and track my progress as I amble along on my journey to author entrepreneur.
This is my way of holding myself accountable on my journey to becoming a fulltime author. I hope that you can learn from my mistakes and make your journey quicker - if that is where you want to go.
Week 176 - 8 September 2024
This week was prtactically a write off (no pun intedned). I did do some extra academic work that I wouldn’t usually have on, and I did manage to write the new Monicow story for the podcast (part 1 anyway) early in the week, but time got away from me and I found myself recording, editing and uploading on Saturday morning again. But, I did know that it was going to be a busy week.
My books are are going to be featured in another store thanks to Ella’s Way - a book collaborative in the US who’s goal is to spread kindness by donating books to libraries - all kinds of libraries, all over the US. So that is a step in the right direction. They secure donations and then use the funds to buy books and send them to the libraries.
It did prompt me to look into what I have up on amazon and I noticed that I need to upload some titles as third parties are selling them at very high prices. So that is something else I need to add to the to do list. It’s been a while since I check sales and pages read - I will try to do that this week.
Goals Updated below.
Goals for this month (and beyond):
1. Writing for the podcast
2. Recording and editing the Podcast
3. Finishing some academic writing each week - still plugging away
4. Final preparations for Academic marking
5. Christmas Traditions from around the world - waiting quietly for attention, maybe for Christmas 2025?
6. Considering advertising for Christmas
7. Collating numbers and receipts for tax return
8. Sneaky Puss Goes Exploring 2nd Edition – waiting patiently
Week 175 - 1 September 2024
This week got away from me, I almost missed the podcast deadline, only just managed to upload the latest episode less than an hour before the scheduled release time. Phew! It wasn’t even a new story - I slightly edited a Sofie Rose Marin episode, recorded it, edited and uploaded it on Saturday morning!
I have been more productive on the academic writing front. I am down to just 10 more pieces to write before the end of the year. I finished a few more test this week and submitted them by the deadline (today) and I completed a PowerPoint slideahow for an in-person workshop I am running during the week. So while I really want to get ahead and just write some stories and wrok my author business, it is not looking good this week timewise - I am literally out of the house from 7am to 8 or 9pm 4 out of 5 nights this week. I may find a little time, but I won’t hold my breath. I do have time today, so perhaps I will try to squeeze some writing in tonight.
I am gearing up for a very busy pre-exam period with academic work, but I have at least carved out some time to do that work in, thanks to time in lieu owed to me. I knew those hours would come in handy.
Goals Updated below.
Goals for this month (and beyond):
1. Writing for the podcast
2. Recording and editing the Podcast
3. Finishing some academic writing each week - still plugging away
4. Final preparations for Academic marking
5. Christmas Traditions from around the world - waiting quietly for attention, maybe for Christmas 2025?
6. Considering advertising for Christmas
7. Collating numbers and receipts for tax return
8. Sneaky Puss Goes Exploring 2nd Edition – waiting patiently
Week 174 - 25 August 2024
Another week, another podcast, though no extra stories yet, but I was inspired to use the setting of a castle for the next Monicow story. I also had a quick look at the Sofie Rose Marin stories I have already written and nothing jumped out at me as ready for publication, I will have a nother look and perhaps edit one or two for the podcast. I have kept plugging away at the academic writing and picked up a few more jobs, one large one with a deadline in the next 10 days and a few small ones I have already completed. They just keep on coming. It is the time of year they pick up, so I really need to get the test writing done when I get the chance inbetween everything else. I hope to complete another 3 this week. I have started them and found appropriate texts which is the most time consuming aspect of creating them - so it should be smooth sailing from here. After that, only 10ish assessments to write.
I decided to check on my sales - certainly nothing to write home about here - 2 sales - both foriegn language editions of random facts - ine brain and one space, one in German and one in Portuguese, both overseas. No surpirses there. No sales of the YA book. When I have more time next year I can work out how to get more eyes on my books. That is definitely something I am looking forward to doing - getting more eyes on my books - not so much the marketing, but alas, it needs to be done. I seem to have lost a podcast subscriber on Spotify, but it does seem like it is being listened to on other platfoms - I have had 80 plays so far, not counting youtube I don’t think, on Youtube there are a few more views - the Axolotl Lake stories get the most hits, but the Monicow stories seem to hold the attention of the viewers longer. Still a long way to go, but done is better than not done. I think that is all for the week.
Goals Updated below.
Goals for this month (and beyond):
1. Writing for the podcast
2. Recording and editing the Podcast
3. Finishing some academic writing each week - still plugging away
4. Christmas Traditions from around the world - waiting quietly for attention, maybe for Christmas 2025?
5. Considering advertising for Christmas
6. Collating numbers and receipts for tax return
7. Sneaky Puss Goes Exploring 2nd Edition – waiting patiently
Week 173 - 18 August 2024
Got the podcast up in the nick of time, Whew! It was looking unlikey for a while. But I managed. I am getting better at recording consistently so it does not need as much editing. let’s hope I am better organised this week. I know i have some very busy weeks coming, so I really need to get a few stories in the bank for those weeks and I need to keep chipping away at the acedemic writing.
Nothing else to report really, I am cosidering taking a break from my adobe subscription, I can’t see myself having the time to need it - I only use it for book covers and there are no immediate plans to release any books and I can sign back up anytime. I think that is it.
Goals Updated below.
Goals for this month (and beyond):
1. Writing for the podcast
2. Recording and editing the Podcast
3. Finishing some academic writing each week - still plugging away
4. Christmas Traditions from around the world - waiting quietly for attention, maybe for Christmas 2025?
5. Considering advertising for Christmas
6. Collating numbers and receipts for tax return
7. Sneaky Puss Goes Exploring 2nd Edition – waiting patiently
Week 172 - 11 August 2024
A few things to note this week. I have decided to make doing the podcast a little easier for myself and will be splitting the Monicow stories into 2 weeks - there are always 2 mini stories anyway in these, so now I will only record one a week. So this week is part 2 of Monicow story 8. I have already started it and hope to finish it by Thursday so I can record and edit it on Friday. Still on books, I received some money for the books I offered to donate to a chraity with the Sneaky Puss plush toys - I personally know the person who volunteers for this organisation I donated to and he would not accept the books as a donation an insisted on paying, I gave him a discount and 25 plush toys for free. I have had some interest from some new colleagues so I will be taking some books with me to work - hopefully there will be a few orders.
In other news, I have been dilligently working on the academic writing and managed to complete a few more tests this week - but there are still plenty more to do, 14 and a half...I am feeling good about this. This week I also attended a book launch - my uncle’s memoir, published by Penguin - So I saw how a “proper” book launch by a traditional publisher is run - just some speeches and acknowledgements - nothing particularly special about it, but I was happy to be there to support my uncle. I read the book - (I had an advanced copy) - It is good - I don’t even like the content of if - too much violence for me - but despite this, I couldn’t put it down, I had to know what happened next. It is masterfully constructed and written, by far one of the best books I have read in a while.
I am super excited about next year - I know it seems early to be thinking about it, but it has been a tough slog this past year and I know it is going to be super busy over the next few months, but I have made some decisions and I will be substantially reducing my academic work next year, so I will have more time to work on my author business. I can’t expect it to make me money if I do not give it much of my attention. I am so looking forward to having time to spend on my books and business. That is it for this week.
Goals Updated below.
Goals for this month (and beyond):
1. Writing for the podcast
2. Recording and editing the Podcast
3. Finishing some academic writing each week - still plugging away
4. Christmas Traditions from around the world - waiting quietly for attention, maybe for Christmas 2024 or 2025?
5. Considering advertising for Christmas
6. Collating numbers and receipts for tax return
7. Sneaky Puss Goes Exploring 2nd Edition – waiting patiently
Pauline Malkoun
I would love to hear from you. Reach me via email at: